Name Michael Jastremski
Location Philadelphia
Member since 2004-02-05 21:27:14
About me
Canon EOS DIGITAL RE Canon PowerShot A5 Z Canon PowerShot A520 Canon PowerShot D20 Canon PowerShot S100 Canon PowerShot S400 Canon PowerShot S410 Canon PowerShot SD78 NIKON E2500 NIKON E3200 NIKON E950 RIM BlackBerry 8100
| Animals | Dogs
| Animals | Cats
| People
| Nature
| Nature | Trees
| Nature | Flowers
| Portraits
| People | Men
| People | Women
| Landscapes
| Study | Light
| Animals | Insects
| Life | Driving
| Nature | Seasons | Autumn
| Places | Cities
| Landscapes | Rural
| Landscapes | Mountain
| Nature | Seasons | Winter
| Nature | Seasons | Summer
| Nature | Seasons | Spring
| Architecture
| Study | Motion
| Study | Still Life
| Architecture | Rural
| Architecture | Urban
| Places | Cities | Philadelphia
| Skies
| Skies | Clouds
| Skies | Sunrises
| Skies | Sunsets
| Skies | Flying
| Technology
| Technology | Trucks
| Technology | Computers
| Portraits | Children
| Study | Light | Reflections
| Study | Light | Fire
| Places | Landmarks
| Technology | Rail
| Portraits | Self Portraits
| Study | Light | Reflections | Water
| Photo | Macro
| Animals | Insects | Ants
| Nature | Flowers | Roses
| Animals | Dogs | Small Dogs
| Animals | Birds
| Animals | Birds | Parrots
| Landscapes | Water
| Places | Landmarks | United States
| Places | Landmarks | Europe
| Places | Landmarks | Europe | France
| Animals | Fish
| Landscapes | Water | Lakes
| Landscapes | Water | Oceans
| Landscapes | Water | Streams
| Animals | Farm
| Animals | Farm | Cows
| Animals | Farm | Pigs
| People | Women | Girls With Guns
| Life | Death
| Life | Politics
| Concepts | Humor
| Life | Events
| Arts
| Life | Events | Ceremony
| Life | Events | Weddings
| Study | Still Life | Abstract
| Life | Events | Tragedy
| Food
| Study | Light | Fire | Fireworks
| Life
| Living Spaces
| Recreation
| Nature | Weather | Snow
| Life | Driving | Car Wrecks
| Study | Geometry
| Arts | Graffiti
| Places | Cities | New York City
| Life | Signs
| Study | Still Life | Abstract | Psychedelic
| Animals | Cats | Play
| Animals | Reptiles
| Technology | Automobiles
| Arts | Fashion
| Photo
| Photo | Cameras
| Life | Events | War
| Holidays
| Holidays | Christmas
| Holidays | Halloween
| Holidays | Easter
| Holidays | Independence Day
| Technology | Aircraft
| Landscapes | Water | Rivers
| Texture
| Texture | Organic
| Nature | Flowers | Orchids
| Life | Outdoors
| Technology | Machines
| Texture | Metal
| Texture | Wood
| Texture | Stone
| Texture | Ice
| Texture | Fabric
| Arts | Painting
| Arts | Sculpture
| Nature | Weather
| Architecture | Bridges
| Architecture | Towers
| Skies | The Moon
| Study | Light | Fire | Candles
| Life | Events | Birthdays
| People | Professions
| People | Professions | Construction
| People | Professions | Artists
| Nature | Weather | Rain
| Nature | Weather | Sunny
| Nature | Weather | Stormy
| Animals | Arachnidae | Spiders
| Architecture | Churches
| Landscapes | Beaches
| Recreation | Cycling
| Colors
| Colors | Orange
| Colors | Red
| Colors | Green
| Colors | Blue
| Colors | Yellow
| Colors | White
| Animals | Horses
| Arts | Creative
| Landscapes | Panorama
| Study | Light | Fire | Campfires
| Life | Flying
| Nature | Flowers | Tulips
| Places | Cities | Las Vegas
| Places | Cities | London
| Places | Cities | Denver
| People | Children
| Landscapes | Industrial
| Photo | Depth of Field
| Places | Cities | San Francisco
| Arts | Music
| Arts | Music | Instruments
| Recreation | Boating
| Colors | Purple
| Places | Cities | Washington DC
| Recreation | Amusements
| Places | Countries | France
| Places | Countries | UK
| Animals | Bears
| Life | Events | Protest
| Life | Events | Political
| Places | Countries | USA
| Animals | Birds | Ducks
| Animals | Birds | Egret
| Life | Religion
| Nature | Forests
| Animals | Insects | Bees
| Architecture | Clocks
| Landscapes | Water | Ponds
| Nature | Flowers | Cactus
| Landscapes | Water | Waterfalls
| Technology | Electronics
| Life | Culture
| Places | Countries | USA | California
| Nature | Flowers | Sunflowers
| Study | Light | Shadows
| Recreation | Swimming
| Places | Cities | Paris
| Landscapes | Aerial
| Landscapes | Desert
| Architecture | Ancient
| Places | Markets
| Landscapes | Urban
| Landscapes | Urban | Streets
| Nature | Grass
| Photo | Micro
| Photo | Image Mosaics
| Photo | Time Lapse
| Places | Countries | Spain
| Food | Drinks
| Places | Cities | Boston
| Technology | Weapons
| Recreation | Geocaching
| Nature | Weather | Fog
| Skies | Rainbows
| Technology | Trucks | Fire Engines
| Animals | Birds | Geese
| People | Professions | Musicians
| Life | Events | Concerts
| Technology | Boats
| Technology | Transportation
| Animals | Deer
| Living Spaces | Workplace
| Technology | Aircraft | Helicopter
| Arts | Collage
| Colors | Brown
| Animals | Rodents
| Colors | Pink
| Life | Travel
| Places | Cities | Austin
| Life | Events | Celebration
| Recreation | Games
| Life | Parenting
| Technology | Aircraft | Balloon
| Concepts
| Concepts | Building
| Concepts | Reform
| Concepts | Learning
| Concepts | Struggle
| Feelings | Fear
| Concepts | Reconstruction
| Food | Fruit
| People | Professions | Police
| Technology | Machines | Construction
| Recreation | Camping
| Popular
| Life | Culture | Fashion
| Study | Shapes
| Study | Shapes | Star
| Study | Shapes | Square
| Study | Shapes | Round
| Landscapes | Farming
| Animals | Fish | Aquarium
| Photo | Telephoto
| Concepts | Reflection
| Concepts | Security
| Concepts | Teamwork
| Colors | Black and White
| Landscapes | Underwater
| Concepts | Innocence
| Concepts | Simplicity
| Concepts | Deconstruction
| Architecture | Lighthouses
| Concepts | Freedom
| Concepts | Achievement
| Concepts | Friendship
| Architecture | Castles
| Concepts | Love
| Concepts | Time
| Feelings | Hope
| People | Professions | Military
| Life | Politics | War
| Concepts | Competition
| Concepts | Corruption
| Concepts | Patriotism
| Concepts | Strength
| Concepts | Conservation
| Animals | Insects | Butterflies
| Concepts | Decay
| Derived Work
| Architecture | Fountains
| Places | Countries | USA | Puerto Rico
| Places | Cities | Zagreb
| Descriptions | Cute
| Animals
| Texture | Rust
| Concepts | Growth
| Concepts | Journey
| Feelings
| Feelings | Anger
| Feelings | Love
| Concepts | Purity
| Places | Cities | Barcelona
| Photo | Focus
| Concepts | Silence
| Recreation | Golf
| Food | Table Setting
| Recreation | Fishing
| Animals | Reptiles | Turtles
| Places | Carribean Islands
| Landscapes | Golfcourse
| Places | Cities | Miami
| Technology | Motorcycle
| Life | Events | New Years
| Architecture | Materials
| Feelings | Anticipation
| People | Waiting
| Architecture | Windmills
| Concepts | Greed
| Concepts | Imprisonment
| Concepts | Power
| Animals | Rabbits
| Animals | Cats | LOL
| Animals | Amphibian
| Animals | Cows
| Descriptions | Scary
| Technology | Energy
| Concepts | Beauty
| Texture | Glass
| Recreation | Firearms
| Photo | Composition
| Concepts | Antiques
| Recreation | Bowling
| Concepts | Relaxation
| Places | Countries | USA | Puerto Rico | Vieques
| Recreation | Baseball
| Places | Countries | Croatia
| Concepts | Vacation
| Food | Drinks | Beer
| People | Professions | Law
| Architecture | Fences
| Places | Airport
| Technology | Weapons | Pistol
| Technology | Weapons | Shotgun
| Concepts | Inspiration
| Life | Signs | Warning
| Life | Money
| Architecture | Construction
| Living Spaces | Homes
| Life | Health
| Nature | Plants
| Nature | Wildflowers
| Life | Objects
| Nature | Environment
| Concepts | Pollution
| Study | Light | Sunlight
| Study | Light | External
| Architecture | Ruins
| Study | Fabrics & Textiles
| Study | Light | Reflections | Mirror images
| Living Spaces | Gardens
| Study | Light | Traffic
| Concepts | Safety
| Architecture | Interior
| Concepts | Complexity
| Concepts | Thought
| Concepts | Education
| Technology | Weapons | Ammunition
| Feelings | Fun
| Concepts | Work
| Concepts | Celebration
| Concepts | Chaos
| Concepts | Disorder
| Places | Cities | Chicago
| Arts | Tattoo
| Nature | Trees | olive
| Architecture | Buildings
| Feelings | Sadness
| Technology | Bicycle
| Feelings | Boredom
| Feelings | Suspense
| Concepts | Mystery
| Animals | Cats | Kittens
| Study | Light | Neon
| Recreation | Dancing
| Photo | Alternative Process
| Architecture | Barns
| Concepts | Danger
| Places | Countries | Belize
| Texture | Water
| Concepts | Conspiracy
| Arts | Lettering
| Nature | Trees | Palm
| Feelings | Depression
| Concepts | Relationships
| Recreation | Horse Shoes
| Animals | Insects | Grasshopper
| Animals | Insects | Praying Mantis
| Technology | Tools
| Food | BBQ
| Descriptions | Fluffy
| Descriptions | Soft
| Descriptions | Cold
| Descriptions | Hot
| Descriptions | Tall
| Descriptions | Small
| Descriptions | Large
| Commented Images
| Concepts | Defense
| Concepts | Forbidden
| Concepts | Invasive
| Architecture | Prisons
| Landscapes | Valley
| Skies | Stars
| Colors | Rainbow
| Concepts | Meditation
| Colors | Black
| Concepts | Risk
| Descriptions | Dirty
| Recreation | Hunting
| Photo | Flash
| Food | Drinks | Liquor
| Food | Drinks | Coffee
| Living Spaces | Yards
| Food | Ethnic | Indian
| Holidays | Saint Patricks Day
| Holidays | Valentines Day
| Technology | Cranes
| Recreation | Hiking
| Animals | Racoons
| Concepts | Education | Classroom Images
| Places | Countries | USA | States | Pennsylvania
| Places | Countries | USA | States | California
| | People
| | Landmarks
| | Roads
| | Nature
| | Architecture
| | Architecture
| | Education
| | Birds
| | Water
| | Candles
| Animals | Fish | Crabs
| Animals | Rodents | Squirrel
| | Animals
| Study | Light | Electric
| Holidays | New Years
| | Fire
| | Ice
| | Landscapes
| | Holidays
| Recreation | Sports
| Living Spaces | Vegetable Garden
| Places | Parks
| Photo | Miniature
| Concepts | Memories
| Concepts | Destruction
| Skies | The Sun
| Nature | Leaves
| Concepts | Navigation
| Concepts | Failure
| Feelings | Frustration
| Life | Vacation
| Texture | Brick
| Architecture | Homes
| Landscapes | Meadows
| Photo | Perspective
| Architecture | Staircases
| Concepts | Depression
| Descriptions | Old
| Concepts | Peace
| Texture | Sand
| Feelings | Happyness
| Concepts | Discipline
| Architecture | Walls
| Living Spaces | Homes | Kitchens
| Landscapes | Water | Harbors
| Food | Vegetables
| Life | Events | Racing
| Food | Cooking
| Nature | Flowers | Daffodils
| Technology | Machines | Typewriter
| People | Professions | Distillery
| Food | Drinks | Liquor | Bourbon
| Places | Countries | USA | Kentucky
| Places | Countries | USA | Tennessee
| People | Professions | Firefighter
| Holidays | Mothers Day
| Holidays | Back to School
| Places | Cities | Nashville
| Texture | Leather
| Concepts | Pride
| Back to School
| Nature | Flowers | Water Lily
| Concepts | Warmth
| | Flowers
| Weddings
| Nature
| Skies
| Cats
| Kittens
| Fashion
| Philadelphia
| Food | Vegetables | Tomato
| Animals | Insects | Mosquito
| Concepts | Tradition
| Technology | Film
| Animals | Fish | Shark
| Architecture | Greenhouse
| Technology | Computers | Networking
| Food | Baking
| People | Professions | Photography
| Birds
| Boating
| Autumn
| Sunrise
| Nature
| Flowers
| | Humor
| Animals | Insects | Moths
| Fishing
| Pollution
| Turtles
| Humor
| Life | Death | Cemetery
| Places | Cities | Baltimore
| Still Life
| Travel
| Technology | Communication
| Recreation | Sports | Football
| Recreation | Skiing
| Feelings | Contentment
| Nature | Flowers | Morning Glory
| Living Spaces | Lamps
| Study | Light | Fire | Smoke
| Architecture | Rural | Cabins
| Life | Events | Renaissance Faire
| Recreation | Hockey
| People | Professions | Pilot
| | A-to-Z
| Photo | Negatives
| Nature | Flowers | Azalea
| Concepts | Spying
| Architecture | Parking
| Places | USA | Arizona
| Places | USA | Arizona | Grand Canyon
| Landscapes | Water | Dams
| | Business
| | Humor
| | Names
| | Phrases
| | Words
| Descriptions | Dry
| Concepts | Erosion
| Animals | Reptiles | Snakes
| Life | Death | Skulls
| Descriptions | Fast
| | Letters
| Photo | Lens Flare
| Descriptions | Warm
| Animals
| Study | Handwriting
| | Travel
| | Animals
| | Nature
| | Beaches
| Photo | Toy Camera
| | Landscapes
| Descriptions | Delicate
| Landscapes
| Nature
| Learning
| Food | Drinks | Wine
| Life | Sleep
| Play
| Technology
| Confined Spaces
| Hunting
| Windows
| Landscapes
| Concepts | Opposites
| Life | Religion | Christianity
| Places | Schools
| Study | Light | Refraction
| Life | Events | Festivals
| Places | Cities | New Orleans
| Places | Cities | San Diego
| Animals | Birds | Raven
| Nature | Flowers | Memorial
| Animals | Fish | Starfish
| Technology | Weapons | Tank
| Study | Light | Golden Hour
| Life | Sleep
| Concepts | Nostalgia
| Concepts | Speed
| Concepts | Blight
| Concepts | Mistakes
| Arts | Illustration
| Arts | Ceramics
| Feelings | Regret
| Food | Drinks | Tea
| Concepts | Awakening
| Concepts | Restoration
| Food | Drinks | Champagne
| Animals | Birds | Swan
| Photo | High Dynamic Range
| Life | Events | Festivals | Kensington Kinetic Sculpture Derby
| Feelings | Calm
| Feelings | Distraction
| Food | Breakfast
| Feelings | Excitement
| Life | Events | Festivals | Pitchfork
| Animals | Birds | Chicken
| Places | Countries | USA | Delaware
| Animals | Arachnidae | Spiders | Webs
| Technology | Communication | Mobile
| Nature | Flowers | Ferns
| Arts | Dance
| Photo | Wallpapers | 1920x1080
| Photo | Wallpapers | 3840x1080
| Arts | Installations
| Holidays | VE Day
| Animals | Farm | Goats
| Holidays | Memorial Day (USA)
| Nature | Flowers | Peony
| Nature | Flowers | Rhododendron
| Nature | Flowers | Tiger Lily
| Nature | Flowers | Hydrangea
| Technology | Boats | Tugboat
| Technology | Boats | Aircraft Carrier
| Technology | Boats | Destroyer
| People | Professions | Bartender
| Holidays | Fathers Day
| Technology | Machines | Sewing
| Animals | Birds | Hummingbird
| Nature | Flowers | Pollenation
| Nature | Plants | Cactus
| Photo | High Speed
| Places | Cities | Philadelphia | The Navy Yard
| Descriptions | Creepy
| Living Spaces | Gardens | Greenhouses
| Life | Events | Flower Show
| Life | Events | Benefits
| Nature | Trees | Bonsai
| Nature | Trees | Cherry
| Animals | Birds | Robin
| Photo | Street
| Feelings | Suprise
| Life | Events | Festivals | Lantern Festival
| Animals | Pandas
| Technology | Rail | Trains
| Animals | Dogs | Greyhound
| Animals | Birds | Owl
| Food | Sous Vide
| Life | Events | Festivals | Mummers Parade
| Life | Events | Parades
| Recreation | Rowing
| Places | Countries | Iceland
| Places | Cities | Dubrovnik
| Architecture | Columns
| Skies | Northern Lights
| Study | Light | Painting
| Life | Flying | Drones
| Photo | Long Exposure
| Concepts | Preparation
| Life | Pre-Pandemic
| Feelings | Warmth
| Nature | Flowers | Dandelion
| Descriptions | Sharp
| Descriptions | Dark
| Animals | Birds | Falcon
| Places | Countries | Croatia | Pula
| Landscapes | Wetlands
| Arts | Murals
| Places | Cities | Richmond